Posted Thursday, June 30, 2005
From My Bookmarks: Some iTunes 4.9 Podcasting LinksGot iTunes 4.9? Here are some handy links to good articles, tips, and other resources.
Apple support articles about podcasts and iTunes 4.9—about podcasts, Frequently asked questions, browsing and downloading podcasts, listening to and managing podcasts, "I can't subscribe to a podcast"
iTunes 4.9 First Look—from Playlist magazine. Also see these notes from Playlist's Chris Breen
Complete Guide to iTunes 4.9, with Podcasts—from iPodlounge
The iPod and podcasting—what the new iPod updater brings to podcasting, by Kirk McElhearn
iTunes and podcasting—some interesting reader comments from the always-interesting
iTunes 4.9 and AppleScript–AppleScript changes in iTunes 4.9 from the one who'd know better than anyone, Doug Adams. (Be sure to keep tabs on Doug's site if you use iTunes AppleScripts intensively.)
Create your own podcast in GarageBand—a simple recipe for cooking up your own.
Steve Jobs on iTunes 4.9—a transcript of an interview with