Posted Saturday, April 09, 2005
Noteworthy Software: ShowMacster Expands iChat AV
I haven't tried ShowMacster yet, but I'm intrigued: this $20 companion to iChat AV lets you send movies and Mac screen action as part of an iChat AV session.
I use iChat AV only occasionally—I prefer the time-shifting convenience of email to the drop-everything inconvenience of instant messaging and the telephone. But on May 10, I'll be using my iSight camera and iChat AV to do a virtual guest appearance at Denver's MacinTech User Group.
I love speaking at user groups and I have absolutely no trouble talking at length about anything relating to iLife, digital photography, the Mac, eBay selling, and standard poodles. But I've been fretting about the upcoming virtual appearance because of my inability to demonstrate my favorite iLife tips and new iLife '05 features.
ShowMacster might just be the answer. I'm off to play with it.