Posted Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Doug Does it Again: An AppleScript for Creating CD Jackets
Doug Adams, whose AppleScripts make iTunes dance like an actor in an iPod commercial, writes to tell me about a cool Web site that lets you create custom CD jackets: Paper CD Case.
As Doug explains, "They have a form into which you enter Artist, Album, and a track listing (up to 16 on the Standard form, up to 28 on the Advanced form). [The site then] creates a PDF file which you can download, view, print, and fold into a paper CD case. Nice!"
Nice indeed. But Doug makes it even nicer: "Anyway, I wrote a script that will automatically enter the info from a selected iTunes Playlist to the form using Safari. No sense in typing in up to 28 song names when AppleScript is more than happy to deal with the repetitive stress."
The script is called Playlist to and you can download it -- and so much more -- at Doug's site.