Posted Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Tonight on the Radio: Firefox, The Cult of Mac, and More

I don't mention it here often enough, but I co-host Point & Click Radio, a weekly computer radio show that airs on our local public radio station here in the gorgeous boondocks of California's Mendocino County. We also Webcast live, and have a small but loyal audience of listeners around the world.

Point & Click Radio will never be mistaken for All Things Considered, but we have fun. And the Mac often gets top billing -- not only because Bob Laughton, my radio partner, and I are Mac guys from way back, but also because this is Mac country. Mendocino County was thinking different long before the phrase became a marketing slogan, and there are a lot of Mac users here.

And tonight, they're in for a treat. I'll be interviewing Leander Kahney, a reporter for Wired News and the author of a great new book, The Cult of Mac.

The Cult of Mac is a hard-bound, full-color tribute to Macheads -- those of us who have had Apple logos tattooed on their bodies, and those of us who would do so if our spouses would permit it. (A friend calls us "Mac Davidians," and I'm happy to say that I'm guilty as charged.)

In 268 beautifully designed pages, Leander Kahney introduces us to Mac zealots who wait in line for hours for the opening of an Apple Store; who trek across the country in an RV videotaping Mac conferences; who turn old Macs into aquariums and bongs; who customize their Macs with glowing colors; who pay $500 for an original 128K Mac's cardboard box; who make furniture out of Apple boxes; and much more.

It's a wild, strange trip to the heart of an enthusiast community that most companies would give their hearts to have, and Leander Kahney is an entertaining guide. And tonight, we'll talk to him on Point & Click Radio.

I'll also review Firefox 1.0, the newest browser to hit the Mac world. Is it good enough to replace Apple's Safari? Listen in tonight for the pros and cons.

Our Webcast begins at 7:00 pm Pacific time, and you'll need the RealOne Player to listen in.